Self-Driving Pizza Delivery vs Traditional Pizza Delivery

November 19, 2021

Self-Driving Pizza Delivery vs Traditional Pizza Delivery

Pizza delivery has been a staple of American culture for decades. But as times change, so do our methods of delivering pizza. In this blog post, we will be comparing traditional pizza delivery to self-driving pizza delivery to see which one reigns supreme.

Traditional Pizza Delivery

Traditional pizza delivery has been around since the inception of pizza parlors. Pizza delivery drivers use their own vehicles to deliver piping hot pizzas to customers. This method of delivery has some benefits and drawbacks:


  • Personal interaction with customers
  • Drivers can take multiple deliveries at once
  • No need to invest in expensive technology


  • Traffic can cause delays
  • Accidents and other driver-related incidents can occur
  • Drivers may sometimes get lost or take the wrong route

According to a study conducted by the National Bureau of Economic Research, traditional delivery drivers travel an average of 4 miles per delivery and earn an average of $6 per hour in tips.

Self-Driving Pizza Delivery

Self-driving pizza delivery is the future of pizza delivery. With self-driving vehicles, pizzas can be delivered safely and efficiently without the need for human interaction. Here are some of the benefits and drawbacks of self-driving pizza delivery:


  • No need for a human driver
  • Safe and efficient delivery
  • No risk of accidents or other driver-related incidents


  • High initial investment cost
  • Limited ability to interact with customers
  • Lower number of delivered pizzas per hour compared to traditional delivery

In a study conducted by Accenture, it was found that self-driving delivery vehicles can average up to 30 miles per hour and deliver 16 pizzas in one hour.

So, which is the better option for pizza delivery? It all depends on the individual needs of the pizza parlor. Traditional delivery is great for smaller pizza parlors that don't want to invest in expensive technology, while self-driving pizza delivery is perfect for larger pizza chains that want to streamline their delivery process.

In conclusion, both methods of pizza delivery have their own benefits and drawbacks, and it's up to individual pizza parlors to decide which method works best for them.


  1. Barrios, J.M., Diamond, R., and J. Ross (2018) “The Value of Flexible Work: Evidence from Uber Drivers,” NBER Working Paper No. 24732.
  2. Accenture. "Autonomous last-mile delivery." Accessed 19 November 2021.

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